The competition authority issues its decision on the merger of Mehiläinen and Docrates Cancer Center
27.8.2024 Categories: Press releases
– We are pleased that the Docrates acquisition will be completed and enables us to offer a more comprehensive service to our customers when it comes to cancer. The acquisition expands our services also internationally. As a pioneer in cancer treatments, Docrates has built a unique treatment path that is sought after by customers from all over the world, says Johanna Asklöf, Business Line Director from Mehiläinen.
Together, Mehiläinen and Docrates Cancer Center will be able to serve customers more comprehensively than before.
– The strong development of private cancer hospital operations and the provision of high-quality cancer treatments to both Finnish and international customers will continue also in the future, Asklöf says.
The patient-physician relationships of Docrates’ customers and all of the services will continue as usual at Docrates Cancer Center. After the acquisition, the hospital’s personnel and private practitioners will continue to work as existing employees and private practitioners under their original contracts.
Docrates Cancer Center is specialised in the diagnostics, treatment and follow-up of cancer. As a private cancer hospital, Docrates is a pioneer in Europe and the only one of its kind in the Nordic countries. In Docrates’ operations, the emphasis is on the personalisation and timeliness of cancer treatments, as well as quality, education and research. In 2023, Docrates Cancer Center had 19,000 customer visits.
For further information, please contact:
Johanna Asklöf, Business Line Director, Mehiläinen
Tel. +358 50 445 0502,
Mehiläinen Group is a well-known and highly valued private provider of social and health care services, offering comprehensive high-quality services in Finland and internationally. The 114-year-old Mehiläinen is a rapidly developing and growing leader in the industry. The company invests in the opportunities of digitalisation and the effectiveness and quality of care in all its business areas. Mehiläinen serves 2.1 million customers annually, and services are produced at 840 locations by more than 37,000 employees and private practitioners. Internationally, Mehiläinen provides healthcare services in Sweden, Germany, and Estonia, as well as digital healthcare software solutions through its subsidiary BeeHealthy. www.mehilä
Docrates Cancer Center is an international private hospital in Helsinki specialised in the treatment of cancer. Docrates provides personalised services for cancer patients throughout the treatment path, from diagnostics to post-treatment follow-up. After diagnosis and imaging, treatment can be planned and initiated without delay. This unique concept attracts patients from all over the world. Together with Docrates’ network of leading clinical experts, the cancer hospital provides genuinely personalised state-of-the-art cancer treatment. Together against cancer – One step ahead.