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Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. The risk for prostate cancer increases with age. The majority of the men annually diagnosed with prostate cancer make a full recovery. For optimum treatment results, it is important to begin assessments and treatment as early as possible.

Immediate initiation of treatment, and individual diagnosis and treatment play a central role in prostate cancer care

If you suspect you have a prostate cancer or have been diagnosed with cancer, you can get an appointment with an experienced Docrates cancer specialist quickly and without a referral. We offer solid long‑term experience in the diagnosis, treatment and follow‑up of prostate cancer according to each customer’s needs. Docrates designates each patient a personal doctor at the first appointment. The counselling nurse ensures that the treatment process runs as quickly and smoothly as possible. The nurse helps the patient with practical matters and provides support.

The process is based on a correct diagnosis of cancer: our cutting‑edge diagnosis equipment, combined with the competence of our clinical staff, allows us to diagnose the exact nature and spread of prostate cancer and thus to target the treatment optimally. The severity and nature of the illness as well as the effectiveness of the treatment options, including any adverse effects, are always carefully weighed in planning the treatment of prostate cancer. The patient’s personal values and preferences are also of utmost importance.

Welcome to Docrates

Our international team, tel: +358 10 773 2010,  Mon – Fri 8:00– 16:00, e-mail: international (a), will gladly help you to arrange everything you might need for your visit to Docrates Prostate Cancer Clinic and will be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with the needed.


Prostate cancer care at Docrates Cancer Center

The treatment of prostate cancer has advanced tremendously. There are several different therapies available today. At Docrates Cancer Center prostate cancer treatment is always designed individually. We are pioneers in the field of radiotherapy.

1.Symptoms of prostate cancer

Early-stage prostate cancer can often cause only few symptoms or none at all. In fact, these symptoms may be similar to those caused by an enlarged prostate gland – also called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Typical symptoms for both prostate cancer and prostatic hyperplasia can include urinary incontinence or urinary retention. In case you have prostate problems or you suspect prostate cancer, do not hesitate to contact us.

Typical symptoms of prostate cancer are

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urinary retention
  • Blood in urine
  • Bone pain
  • Painful urination
  • Impotence

2.Prostate cancer diagnostics

In order to find successful treatment, it is important to establish the most accurate diagnosis possible in an early stage. Thanks to the experienced staff, cutting-edge equipment, and the latest medical research, it is possible at Docrates Cancer Center to create a comprehensive view of prostate cancer, its aggressiveness and how far it has spread.


  • PSA testing
  • Rectal examination
  • Proclarix testing
  • STHLM3 testing
  • Robot-assisted MRI-guided navigation biopsy
  • MRI
  • PET-CT examination

3.Prostate cancer treatment

Prostate cancer treatment is always designed individually according to the characteristics of the disease. The choice of treatment is influenced by other possible diseases, possible references to so-called high-risk prostate cancer, the results of cancer staging studies and, of course, the patient's own wishes.


  • External radiotherapy
  • HDR brachytherapy
  • Drug therapy
  • Isotope therapies
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery

Why choose Docrates for the treatment of prostate cancer?

  • Quick access to examinations and treatment
  • Top cancer experts under one roof
  • Accurate diagnostics: Robot-assisted MRI-guided navigation biopsy and MRI with 3-tesla imaging power
  • The complete toolkit for imaging: ultrasound,  body CT, gamma imaging of bone and other isotope examinations
  • Individually customised radiotherapy and Finland’s most extensive experience in prostate HDR brachytherapy, a form of targeted interstitial radiotherapy
  • The latest treatments for advanced prostate cancer
  • High patient satisfaction

Symptoms of prostate cancer

Early-stage prostate cancer can often cause only few symptoms or none at all. In fact, these symptoms may be similar to those caused by an enlarged prostate gland – also called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Typical symptoms for both prostate cancer and prostatic hyperplasia can include urinary incontinence or urinary retention. There is always reason to ask a specialist to examine all vague symptoms, as only more accurate examinations can help in finding out whether or not such symptoms are associated with prostate cancer.

Typical symptoms of prostate cancer are

  • Urinary symptoms
  • Blood in urine
  • Bone pain (backache, pelvic or hip pain, in case cancer has spread to bones)
  • Painful urination
  • Impotence

Prostate cancer diagnostics

In order to find successful treatment, it is important to establish the most accurate diagnosis possible in an early stage. Diagnosing prostate cancer starts on the first visit to a urologist or a cancer specialist with thorough examinations. The physician also performs a rectal examination, which gives vital important about the state of the prostate, urinary organs and genitals. In addition to the rectal examination, the doctor can also perform an ultrasound of the prostate gland. If there is reason to suspect cancer in this stage, e.g. on the basis of high PSA levels or abnormal palpation findings, the urologist will prescribe further examinations, in order to make a diagnosis. Such tests include for example an STHLM3 test or Proclarix test and an MRI scan of the prostate. The cancer is ascertained, and its aggressiveness is assessed by the examination of a tissue sample.

The most representative samples of suspicious changes are based on a robot-assisted MRI-guided navigation biopsy. In order to treat prostate cancer efficiently, the extent of cancer has to be determined as precisely as possible. An MRI on the prostate is always needed prior to the final decision to select surgery or radiation therapy. The MRI shows if the cancer has spread outside of the prostate.


  • PSA testing
  • Rectal examination
  • STHLM3 testing
  • Proclarix testing
  • Robot-assisted MRI-guided navigation biopsy
  • MRI with 3-tesla imaging power
  • PET-CT examination

Prostate cancer treatment

Prostate cancer treatment is always designed individually according to the characteristics of the disease. The choice of treatment is influenced by other possible diseases, possible references to so-called high-risk prostate cancer, the results of prevalence studies and, of course, the patient’s own wishes. Local or locally advanced prostate cancer can be increasingly cured with radiation therapy. Depending on the characteristics of prostate cancer, radiation therapy can be tailored in many different ways. There are several different techniques to choose from in external radiotherapy, and radiotherapy can also be given as interstitial form or radiotherapy (HDR brachytherapy). In aggressive cancers, the best treatment outcome is most likely to be obtained by combining external beam radiotherapy with high-dose HDR brachytherapy.

Based on risk factors, radiotherapy can also be combined with cancer drugs. Most commonly, drug treatment is given in advanced prostate cancer, but also in high-risk local cancers as adjunctive therapy. New drugs are often also suitable for elderly patients, with other diseases, and for use as part of combination therapies. These new prostate cancer drugs are often both more effective and better tolerated than previous drugs, and can also be effective when previous drugs have already lost their effectiveness. New drugs can relieve symptoms, slow the progression of the disease, especially in the bones, and prolong life.


  • External radiotherapy
  • HDR brachytherapy
  • Drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Isotope therapies
  • Surgery

Treatment of advanced prostate cancer

The key to treating patients with advanced prostate cancer is an individualized treatment program. The front-line treatment of metastatic prostate cancer always includes medical treatments , most commonly hormone therapy and chemotherapy, or a combination. If cancer has metastasized to the bones, a medication to strenghten them is often administered. Radiotherapy can be included in treatment with special techniques, even if there are extensive metastases.

If remission of prostate cancer is achieved by means of medical treatment, we at the Docrates Cancer Center always consider adding localized radiation therapy. This has been shown to be effective in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Irradiating of the prostate may also prevent urinary retention later on.

Hormonal treatments and chemotherapy can remain effective for long periods but usually lose their efficacy over time. In these situations, the second-line treatment of radionuclide therapy with a radioactive substance (radium or samarium) that targets the bones has been found to be both an effective and safe treatment option when metastases exist only in bone structures. Solitary, or a small number of, bone metastases can also be effectively treated with external radiotherapy if necessary. In addition to radium and samarium, a new radioactive drug, 177-lutetium-PSMA, has now been discovered. This might be an additional option especially for elderly patients, for whom traditional chemotherapy may be challenging for example due to severe side effects.

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Why come to Docrates Cancer Center?

  • Top cancer experts and effective treatments without delay.
  • Individual care. You have your own care team - your doctor and your nurse.
  • Front line cancer treatment. Latest medical technology combined with proven expertise in cancer care.
  • Experience in treating international patients from over 60 countries. Multilingual personnel.
+358 10 773 2010

Contact us!

Mon-Thu 8:00-18:00, Fri 8:00-16:00