Hannu Nurmio: Aiming for a normal everyday life

Nurmio was aware that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in older men. However, after the diagnosis was confirmed, he had many questions: How serious is this? How aggressive is the tumor? What would be the best treatment?
Nurmio sought the services of Docrates Cancer Center, because he wanted a second opinion on the nature of the tumor and believed in Docrates’ expertise.
– I knew that Docrates would be the pinnacle of expertise, even internationally, Hannu “Tuomari” Nurmio says.
At Docrates, Nurmio discovered that the location of the tumor at the lower edge of the prostate had made it difficult to collect a sample from the entire area, and it was not possible to know exactly how aggressive the tumor was based on the samples.
Radiotherapy with watchmaker precision, flexible services as a bonus
When considering the options for cancer treatment, the experts weighed up factors such as life expectancy and quality of life, as well as the financial investments required by the treatments. Nurmio has been treated with hormone therapy and radiotherapy. In addition to the usual radiotherapy, he has received interstitial HDR brachytherapy, a form of targeted radiotherapy, in which Docrates has extensive experience.
– Docrates has the most advanced equipment for targeted radiotherapy, conserving as much healthy tissue surrounding the tumor as possible. Especially when the tumor is in contact with healthy tissue, radiotherapy requires watchmaker-level precision. After thinking through the options, I came to the realisation that investing in your own life is one of the best decisions you can make, says Nurmio.
– According to my doctor, Timo Joensuu, the goal is to minimise the risk of having the cancer spread or recur; in other words, we’re giving the cancer its marching orders. I don’t think you can find better treatment anywhere else, he continues.
Nurmio praises the personnel of Docrates Cancer Center for their expertise and kindness.
– As a bonus, in addition to the state-of-the-art technology, the customer service at Docrates is very flexible and friendly. Everything has run smoothly and the schedules have been efficient – almost like clocking in and out of a job. Whenever I’ve had any questions, the answers have arrived within 24 hours through the online service, says Nurmio.
Realistic approach to illness
Nurmio has found the side effects of the treatments quite moderate and tolerable. The nightly visits to the toilet have increased and the hormone therapy has caused some bouts of sweating, but Nurmio has avoided more serious symptoms, luckily.
– Of course, your hormonal balance also affects your psyche and virility. However, I believe that they’ll return to normal once the treatment has ended. I was planning to take a break from performing anyway, which means I’ve been able to focus on healing and reflecting on things, says Nurmio.
Nurmio takes care of his health and well-being by exercising, walking on the beach or in the forest and even taking the occasional nap.
Nurmio has a realistic attitude towards his cancer diagnosis and treatment. He believes it’s natural that susceptibility to disease increases with age. Only his nearest and dearest have been told about his illness, and he doesn’t want any pats on the shoulder. The situation is under control.
A cancer diagnosis is not the end of the world
For others diagnosed with cancer, Nurmio has a comforting message. He wants everyone to remember that the situation in Finland is good and that first-class treatment is available to everyone.
– I don’t want to advise others because every situation is different. However, a cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be the end of the world, and getting ill doesn’t mean game over. The treatments have evolved enormously over the past few years. Docrates is a trailblazer in cancer treatments, and their experience is reaching others, says Hannu Nurmio.
Updated 8. July 2024
Contact us for more information?
Booking appointments: +358 10 773 2000
Mon–Thu 8 a.m.–6 p.m., Fri 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
You can also book an appointment online. If you cannot see any available appointments, please contact our appointment booking service to ask about additional appointments.
Street address
Docrates Cancer Center, Saukonpaadenranta 2
FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland
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