Timo Joensuu
Founder, Chief Physician, Radiotherapy
Specialist in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy
M.D., Ph.D., Adj. Prof., Assoc. Prof.

I treat cancer with more than 20 years of experience. My special areas of expertise are prostate cancer patients, breast cancer patients undergoing surgery and radiotherapy patients.
Those who think they may have cancer, those who have already been diagnosed with cancer and follow-up patients are all welcome to my practice. You can also come to get a second opinion on your treatment plan.
When I founded Docrates Cancer Center, my starting point was the special relationship between the doctor and the patient; my appointments are based on mutual trust and respect. We will carefully go over your situation and work together to create a treatment plan that is right for you. In addition to curative treatment, it is important to pay attention to the cancer patient’s quality of life during and after the treatments. Patients often have a loved one with them at my appointments.
Appointment can be booked from our customer service tel. +358 10 773 2010.
Finnish, English
Adjunct Professor in Clinical Oncology, University of Helsinki 2005
Specialist in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Helsinki 1998
Ph.D., University of Tampere 1992
M.D., University of Tampere 1985
Work history
- Docrates Cancer Center, Founder 2006; Medical Director 2007-2014; Chief Physician, Radiotherapy 2014–
- HUH Department of Oncology, Specialist in Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy 1998–2007
- HUH Department of Oncology, Specialist in Radiotherapy 1998
- HUH Department of Oncology, Assistant Physician 1993–1998
- INSERM, Paris Researcher 1991–1993
Timo Joensuu is an expert in prostate cancer and specialises in its drug treatment and radiotherapy. He has among other things over ten years of experience of stereotactic radiotherapy. He was the first in Finland and in the Nordic countries to employ IMRT treatment and the most advanced VMAT RapidArc and HDR brachytherapies. Under Joensuu’s leadership, Docrates is actively developing targeted radiotherapies.
The patients’ interest, view and experience are at the heart of Timo Joensuu’s work. In addition to a traditional doctor-patient relationship, Joensuu feels that it is important that the doctor supports the patient throughout the entire treatment process. Together with Hannu Tavio, Joensuu has written a book “Elämä kantaa” (Have faith in life), which conveys well his relationship with the patient-focused care model, confidentiality and respect. Joensuu has also participated actively in the work of Propo, the Finnish Prostate Cancer Association.
Timo Joensuu obtained his M.D. from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tampere. He has gained international experience and esteem carrying out research and working abroad. His first assignment abroad was volunteering as an assistant in a facility for the disabled in the UK, followed by a researcher post at the surgical clinic of the University of Warsaw. In Paris, Joensuu worked at INSERM, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, looking for new potential cancer drugs and treatment strategies.
He has also served as a medical expert on cancer treatments in Serbia for the World Bank through the Helsinki Consulting Group. In recent years, Joensuu has been researching possible late effects of cancer treatments with the researchers of the Finnish Cancer Registry and NCI, the US National Cancer Institute.
Timo Joensuu successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the Tampere University Hospital, and specialised in oncology and radiotherapy at the Department of Oncology, Helsinki University Central Hospital. He was appointed an Associate Professor of Clinical Oncology in 2005. Timo Joensuu founded the Docrates Cancer Center together with Pekka Aalto and Harri Puurunen in 2006, and assumed full-time responsibility for the operation of the hospital the following year. Docrates is Joensuu’s most extensive project, and the only private clinic in the Nordic countries specialising in holistic cancer research and treatment.
Timo Joensuu balances his important life’s work and numerous research, publishing and consulting tasks with hiking, building, music, books and art. He keeps fit by working out at the gym.
Timo Joensuu is a well-regarded and productive expert in his field. The Cancer Society of Finland awarded him a medal for fighting cancer in 2006, and in 2010 he was chosen as the Influencer of the Year in the field of healthcare.