Elina Mannila
Specialist in Radiology

I work at Docrates as a radiologist and, thanks to having received additional training in molecular and fusion imaging,
My special area of expertise is the interpreting of PET scans.
Finnish, Swedish, English
Additional training in molecular and fusion imaging 2020
Additional training in musculoskeletal radiology 2016
Radiologist 2013
Licentiate of Medicine 2008
Work history
- HUS Diagnostic Center, Meilahti Hospital, Senior Physician, Nuclear Medicine Unit, molecular and fusion imaging 2018–2024
- HUS Diagnostic Center, Töölö Hospital, Senior Physician, MSK radiology 2014–2018
Memberships and positions of trust
The Finnish Society of Nuclear Medicine (Board Member 2020–2024)
The Radiological Society of Finland
Musculoskeletal Radiologists of Finland
After qualifying as a radiologist, Elina Mannila worked at HUS. She started at Töölö Hospital, where she underwent additional training in musculoskeletal radiology. During this time, she trained in soft tissue and bone tumor imaging, among other things.
In 2018–2024, Elina Mannila worked at the Nuclear Medicine Unit of Meilahti Hospital and was particularly interested in the PET imaging of oncological patients. She joined Docrates’ Imaging Unit in 2024 and has focused on the interpreting of PET scans.