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Accessibility statement

This is the accessibility statement for the Docrates Mehiläinen online service

This accessibility statement applies to the online service.

Our goal is to offer digital services that are accessible to all users. In this accessibility statement, we explain what kinds of issues there are in the accessibility of the service and how you can give us feedback and suggestions for improving the accessibility of the website. This accessibility statement was published on 10th March, 2025.

The description of the website’s accessibility is based on an assessment by Docrates’ developers and an external expert organisation.

The accessibility status of the digital service

The service largely meets the accessibility requirements.

Inaccessible content

The accessibility issues have been grouped into the following categories:

  • perceivable
  • operable
  • understandable
  • robust
  • other accessibility issues


Images that are missing alt attributes

The service contains images that do not have an alt attribute. (1.1.1)

Search results are not transmitted directly to assistive devices

The search results are transmitted directly visually, but not programmatically. (1.3.1)

Individual tables have not been implemented correctly programmatically

The service contains tables that do not programmatically use a table structure. (1.3.1)

Labels are not programmatically linked to input elements

Input labels are not programmatically linked to elements. (1.3.1)

Selected categories are not programmatically marked

Selected categories for filtering current content are not marked programmatically. (1.3.1)

Some headings have issues

Not all texts that serve as headings are programmatically marked as headings.  In some places, the headings do not follow the correct heading hierarchy. (1.3.1)

Lists are not recognised by all technologies

The MacOS VoiceOver screen reader does not recognise lists when using the Safari browser. (1.3.1)

There are some issues with the order of reading

In some places in the service, there are issues with the order of reading. (1.3.1)

Some input fields are inadequately described

The input fields have not been identified with suitable autocomplete attributes. (1.3.5)

Insufficient text colour contrast

In some places in the service, the contrast between the text content and the background is not sufficient. (1.4.3)

There are issues with the responsiveness of the content

Some content requires two-way scrolling when the screen is narrowed to 320 CSS pixels wide. (1.4.10)


Navigating some elements with the keyboard or assistive technology is cumbersome

Some elements cannot be controlled smoothly with the keyboard alone or with all assistive technologies. (2.1.1)

Issues with page headers

Page headers are in English on a Finnish page. (2.4.2)

Issues with focus order

The focus order is not logical in some places. (2.4.3)

The purpose of some links may be unclear to the user

The website contains links whose purpose may be unclear to the user. (2.4.4)

Headings that are not descriptive

The page has a heading that does not clearly describe the content. (2.4.6)

Not all elements have a visible focus

There are elements in the service that do not have a visible keyboard focus (2.4.7)


The language has not been marked programmatically correctly

In some places in the service, the language has not been marked programmatically with the correct language attribute. (3.1.2)

Some input fields are missing labels

There are input fields in the service that do not have labels. (3.3.2)

Shortcomings in the placement of instructions

Some form instructions are placed inconveniently. (3.3.2)

Error descriptions are inaccurate

The email error message is not accurate. (3.3.3)


Individual elements are missing an accessible name

The service contains elements that do not have an accessible name. (4.1.2)

There are shortcomings in the implementation of the telephone number field

When selecting a telephone number, the element does not have a descriptive role. Foreign language content is not marked with the correct language attributes. (4.1.2), (3.1.2)

Not all elements have descriptive roles

There are elements in the service that do not have descriptive roles. (4.1.2)

There are shortcomings in notifying the user of modes

There are elements in the service in which different modes are reported inadequately. (4.1.2)

Other accessibility issues

The service may contain content produced by a third party that does not meet all accessibility requirements.

Did you notice an accessibility issue in our digital service?

You can give us accessibility feedback by using the feedback form on the website. In your feedback, please state which page is concerned and describe the problem as precisely as possible.

If you are not satisfied with the response you have received or if you do not receive a response within two weeks, you can file a report with Traficom. On Traficom’s website, you will find detailed information on how to file a report and how the matter will be processed.

Contact details of the supervisory authority

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000

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